
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ke mane hilang nye sakit kepalaku??

*Hari ni lunch makan di sini...(bkn gambar sebenar,pic ni amek kat google)

*Appetizer:soup of the day...xtau name made from seafood, a bit klu tekak org N9, xrase pedas langsung...sedap2,hirup panas2 sampai licin,melecur lidah achik...sampai hilang vilus2 lidah...

*xtau jugak name ape..mmm..tau dah...garlic herb rice n dory steam(dory tu name ikan kan?)

*fish and chip...

note:we take set for two RM45++...berbaloi la..kenyang dan memuaskan...aku xbape suka sgt fish tp yg ni boleh makan...xpasti sama ade dorang ade served ayam ke x,tp rasenye xde...dah namenye pon fish Manhattan...oh ye...set ni accompanied by,lg la berbaloi2..hilang sakit kepala...lapo rupenye..hik3

Saya manusia lemah di alam semesta....

Kepala sebal, mata berat, pening...
gara2 kene hujan...
nak hapdate pon menyanyi...
alamat nye x berhapdate la gamaknye...

note: wan aku kritikal di hosptal...semoga baik2 shj,xdapat balik skang...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Fresh from dapur...terbaeekkkkk...

Resipi puding jagung, hantam sajalah...

Bahan2 yg diperlukan:
-Tepung custard sepeket
-Santan from sebiji kelapa
-Jagung in can
-Daun pandan
*masuk kan santan ke dalam periuk bersama dgn tepung custard. T ia akan bertukar menjadi warna kuning

*kacau hingga sebatian menjadi sebati..hehehehehe...

*masuk kan daun pandan..kasi wangi ini kueh..

*masukkan jagung dalam tin...pastu kacau dgn senduk...klu still ketul2 lagi jagung nye,pakaila tgn,xpayah nak geli2,korang gak mkn basuh la tgn dulu b4 kacau tu, xkan tu pon nak kena ajar..sila guna common sense anda...

*tenggekkan kat api..api biar kecik, klu besar,nanti menjadi lawan pula...kacau harusla istiqamah,memnadangkan ia bakal menjadi pekat dan likat ala2 dodol...tgn harus kuat..klu mase ni ade org panggil,abaikan je...jgn sesekali di tinggalkan...klu bini, tinggal2kan kuih ni xleh acik nak tinggalkan dohh...(abaikan cerek di belakang ittewww)

*see?pekat sudah...kacau2 sampai berkilat....kena siap2kan bekas cepat2, sbb kene tuang panas2...sbb bende alah ni cepat beku...

*rata2kan pakai sudu...kemudian, siap sudah...kasi sejuk sebentar, then boleh simpan dalam peti sejuk n harusla di mulakan dgn Bismillah..di sudahi dgn Alhamdullillah...


Friday, May 27, 2011

Short Entry

Sudah makan, sudah kenyang, hati banyak senang...huhu

Komen for nasi bojari: 
Aku xsnap pic pon,
xsempat, perut dah mencanak2 mintak di isi,
Nasi bojari ialah nasi 3 colored, served with sambal udang, rendang daging and ayam goreng,
sedappppp...sbb banyak lauk tp kering sket la...
sbb biase makan berkuah kan, siap banjir2 bagai....

note: aku beli kek coklat, jap g dapat..besh2..wahhhh makan lagiiiii....mari menternak lelemak...

Luahan Hati bersama Lambakan Lelemak from my Six Fats

Mode:Lapar gilosss...
bile lapa sume bende pon jd xkena,
nak wat keje pon xsemangat,
klu kenyang mengantuk pula,hehehehe..
Tp serius la, lapor...
pg dah berak patblas kali...
perut kosong sgt,
ingat nak beli karipap sedap td,
tp hujan plak, payung plak xbawak,
bl bawak payung x ujan,bile xbawak menderu2 plak ujan,
slalu camtu tau...isk..isk
perut berlagu riang ni..
Hari ni ade lunch meeting, tp nak tunggu kul 12.30 tu,menyanyi jugok lerrr...
Hari ni aku order Nasi Bojari from Madam Kwan's,
xsabar nye nak melantak,
ingat nak order Lamb chop, tp lunch kan, harusla makan nasi,
tp menu2 kat Madam Kwan's lebih Kurang dgn Grandmama's je,kan?
xtau?check out kat pavilion, KL.

NOTE:Budak courier kat opis aku ni pmpn rupe nye. mula2 xpasan sgt, sbb suara n gaya sebijik cam jantan, tp rendah je budak kakak2 opis sume ckp die pmpn, pastu aku pon check2 la,yes!ade kesan barut kat belakang die... die jerut ( . )( . ) supaya nampak flat...lahai xsakit ke dik?selesa ke? skang ni heboh nak tukar jantina la plak..da masuk musim eh?kan ade masuk satu paper yg ade lelaki nak tukar name ashraf jdi name pmpn ape tah name nye...die siap da tukar jantina pon...bende jd kat Malaysia...sadis2..ape nak jadi agaknye...yg peliknye,he has a guts nak appeal tuk tukar name kat mahkamah tuuiiihhh...klu approve la,mmg jd issue besar kat dalam dunia Islam,plus kat Malaysia ni..ish2..manusia2..Muslim plak tu. xpk ke mase nak mati t, mungkin ade kekeliruan and akan ade masalah yg timbul mase nak mengebumikan kan jenazah bl meninggal...renung2 kan la...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lelong, sila melencong

Sape2 yg rase nak beli laptop 2nd hand,
ni ha ade kawan aku sorang nak let go,
die ade letak kat blog die,
tp aku iklankan lg skali with my own version,
*version kepala hotak aku...

Murah je, name pon 2nd hand,
betol2 punye 2nd hand,xde 3rd hand ke 4th hand ke,
xtau la kok ade yg gatal tgn nak ngaku die penah handkan laptop ni,
meh aku tangan kan skali....
klu ade yg berminat,leh la kol no. yang tertera kat bawah tu.
in case klu korang nak wat spare part pon boleh...
mane tau korang terror nak membukak screw2 yg boleh di bukak kat laptop tersebut....
creative2 engineer sekalian, silakan...

ACER ASPIRE 4712z for RM 300.00 cash..dual core processor..without battery...condition 6/10..

interested? kindly contact > 013-6288025

note:leh la melencong ke sini

Bende makan harus di sebar2kan....

Smalam kan aku kan,
gigih giler la nak guna coupon mcd tu,
siap emelkan kat sape2 tah,
smalam kan last day,so kena gak la redeem smalam,mcm la compulsory kan,
beriya2 je lebih,
yela kan. bkn senang nak dapat bende free,
*aku ade letak coupon kat previous entry

Pastu nak menunjuk kan kegigihan aku n kejakunan sebenarnye,
aku print coupon tu ade color,
ade color tu xpe lg,
yg best nye saiz A4,hahahahaha...
tp jgn harap la aku nak beli kat kaunter,
harusla drive thru aje...
tau plak malu tu...
Rugila klu xredeem kan,
mcd pon bkn jauh...sekangkang kera je...

tp bile da dapat makan tu, puas hati,
sedapnyeeeee mc chicken...
mkn panas2 plak tu...besh2...
B4 ni xpenah mkn mcchicken,
salu order ayam or spicy chicken mcdeluxe je...
so,pasni ni leh la order mcchicken plak..

note:aku 4wardkan coupon tu kat abg aku, die pon sebarkan kat kawan2 opis die...wah gembira!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tak suke tp hambik gak...

Aku tengah ngadap biskot super hi-fiber,
xsedap dan kesat,
lgpon aku mmg xsuke makanan berkhasiat sgt ni,
klu sayur tu, masak sampai lembik2, baru makan,kasi hilang sume vitamin,
xreti nak makan raw except for kubis, timun, ulam raja but must be accompanied by sambal belacan la kan...
sambung cite pasal biskut,
kena paksa mkn, klu x mmg xsentuh lgsg,
itupon sbb dah nak expired,
kakak ni suh amik 5 keping,aku pon dgn taat nye amik la 5 keping,
makan separuh keping,yg baki,buang...hahahahaha
tp xbuang kat tong sampah opis la,
buang kat luar mase lunch nanti,
t kecik plak hati n segala organ yg adoo...

Aku sekeping biskut, nyawaku tamat di tong sampah

note:aku tepek coupon mcd kat cni,incase korang nak g redeem,today is the last day, leh photocopy black and white.

Qoute of the Week

Hari ni petang aku half day,
im going for an interview,
i still seeking for job that suits me,
actually, jobs that can pay me,
coz i have a loan to pay,
i got tummy to feed,
i got body to dress,
nampak cam materialistic plak,
tp realistic kan,
lumrah doniya,
sume nak kena pakai duit,
sini duit, situ duit,
plus harga barang pon cam xnak bg kite hidup lame je,
klu xpk kan loan PTPTN tu,
mau nye aku berlengah2 cari keje,
tp xdo mano eh...
pandai buat hutang pandai la bayor kan...
''Da pandai Berak, pandai la cebok''
Ye, itula qoute tuk hari ni,

note: Tolong carikan keje leh?informla klu ade keje kosong kat malaysia tercinta ni, prefer area kl or Seremban,N9 and admin or account position.TQ=)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Calm me down...

Smalam, balik je keje, jejak je kuar opis,
bende first pk ialah 'nak makan ape mlm ni?'
penat ok pk, asyik2 bende same je nak kene pk,
sbb kedai2 makan kat mah aku tu,xsedap lagsung,xtau nak makan ape,
beli makanan kat mah aku, boleh kena darah tinggi,tau x...
ish..susah tol..
alih2 aku beli nasik lemak lauk ayam je,
nasib baik boleh tahan rase die...
ok la, xde la xsedap sgt, tp boleh makan,boleh tahan...

yg berasap2 kepala hotak aku ni bile sampai umah...
aku tengok baju2 yg aku cuci pg td dah ade terlempap kat atas sofa kat hall,
aku bengang la sbb baju tu xbape kering lg housemate aku yg bengal itu dah angkat,
rase nak nangis pon ado mase tuihhh...
klu angkat tp sidai kat dalam xpe gak,
ni main lempap je,busuk la baju2 tu t...
aku rase die xraba betul2 baju2 tu sama ade da kering ke belum,
sbb ade part2 yg da kering,
aku xdenye nak berterima kasih sbb die angkat baju aku,
die angkat sbb nak sidai baju die plak,
aku klu nak basuh baju aku tengok dulu sama ade ampaian kering atau x,
sbb aku xnak bertindih2 sidai,
tp die selamba badak je angkat2 baju aku yg xkering tuiiihh...n sidai baju die plak
zalim tul....

note:tengah pk2 nak pindah umah x..penat la pindah n satu hal nak cari rumah sewa baru...

Mesej ikhlas-dari aku ke kamu...

I would like to sincerely thank each of you for every experience shared, friendship made, opportunity offered and good times had during all this while...Thanks for being with me most of the times...However, there are some things that cannot be shared and told. Hope for your understanding, Pease do not stay away and avoiding me...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Random and Rambling 3

Korang tengok Nora Elena x?
slot akasia kat tv3 tuihhhh...
Best sbb ade aaron aziz..
sungguh gagah perkasa,
tp mmg best la cite ni smpai beriya2 nak cari novel Kasih Yang suci tu,
Since cite ni diadaptasi dr novel tersebut...
Jadiknye, menggagau la cari novel ni merata2,
Kat MPH and POPULAR seluruh pelosok dunia sekali pon,
Tp malang nye da sold out,
gila kau sume org pon cari novel ni,
even kat rental book stores pon dah xde,
tauke kedai tu cakap, da lunyai pon novel tu, masih ade orang nak sewa,
He has 7 copies tp sume ade org sewa...
gila penduduk Malaysia ni...
So, tanye la budak kaunter MPH tu, bile novel ni akan sampai kat store kan,
Budak tu kate, kena republish sbb mmg da xde stock,
Gila kau kuase due....!
Jd aku simpan je la hasrat nak memiliki novel tu..

note:Smalam tengok mentor?kan iqa duet dgn fiq mata aku xnampak fiq tu mcm askar tp nampak mcm guard...klaka2..sape masuk mentor akhir?aku tengok smalam tp bila smpai Ally nak announce sape masuk final tu,aku da membuta....hahahahaha...coooiiii...!

note 2:inagt nak publish ni esok, tp mane la tau kot2 ade reader yg ade novel ni n nak jual kan..hehehehe..mane boleh sabar nak publish...

Lets spread this - and all do our part to track down this criminal!!!

Dear All

Let’s share about this danger with everyone. Please be extra careful. Let’s be extra protective.

This cold-blooded criminal is still out there.

Track Down The Serial Acid Splasher In KL: 7 Things You Can Do Right Now!  
Posted by Eric On 5/11/2011 12:03:00 AM

Sounds like I am a barbarian huh? But I am sure that's the exact emotion the victims and their families have right now! I wonder how come this crazy man can be roaming free on our streets just like that? What have our corrupt police been doing besides lustfully raiding those vice dens and massage parlous to catch prostitutes in the act? Can't PDRM channel more of our police force to nab this cold-blooded criminal? A serial acid splasher is terrorizing the lives of people in KL! Damn it! All of us especially those residing in KL should be more careful!

Beware of the serial acid splasher in KL!

Last week another 5 innocent victims have been hurt by the acid thrown at them. So far 20 victims have been injured. All are women and girls except a male school teacher in 8 different incidents over the past 2 months! These crazy attacks happens right in the heart of KL. I wonder where are the cops? Maybe they are having their long tea break at some mamak stalls! Aren't our most advanced city is equipped with high resolution surveillance cameras? Or those money has been used to buy cheap 1.0 MP cameras and the rest has been channeled into someone's else pocket? Ok's not the time to play the blame game.

We must track down this animal as soon as possible. One of the latest victims is a one-year-old helpless baby. See how insane this serial acid splasher is? Then another victim who was attacked last Friday suffered serious burns which could cause her to lose her eye. People lives are at risk here. 20 victims' future has been affected by this animal! All of us should work together to track down this animal before more innocent people are being harmed!

1. March 2 - Eight Year 4 and Year 6 pupils and a teacher of SK Bukit Bandaraya in Jalan Bangkung, Bangsar were splashed with a liquid by a motorcyclist clad in black.

2. March 24 - Two marketing executives were splashed with acid as they were walking along Jalan Tun Sambanthan at 5.30pm.

3. March 25 - A 25-year-old history teacher, on the way to school, was attacked near the back gate of a school in Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad at 7am.

4. March 26 - A Frenchman and his female companion became the 13th and 14th victims of a corrosive liquid-splashing attack by a motorcycle duo in Jalan Conlay about 3pm.

5. April 2 - In Jalan Mantin, Negri Sembilan, a 27-year-old woman and her 18-year-old niece were attacked by two men on a motorcycle 9pm.

6. May 6 - Two women were splashed with acid when a motorcyclist attacked them from behind in Jalan Pudu Lama at 9pm.

7. May 6 - Thirty minutes later, a lawyer in her 30s, was attacked near a parking lot in front of The Mall shopping centre in Jalan Putra.

8. May 7 - A woman and her one-year-old baby were standing in her house compound in Persiaran Titiwangsa when the splasher rode by and threw the liquid at them at 3pm.

This is how a Honda EX5 looks like.
 (credit to this site)

All of us must be on our toes from now onwards. We must work hand-in-hand to track down this animal. This serial acid splasher is of dark complexion and he rides either a Honda EX5 or Yamaha bike with a basket in front. So you should be more careful when you see these 2 types of bike approaching you. If you are a woman, a girl....or well just about anyone who is staying in KL-you might want to follow the following guidelines here:

Always walk facing against the traffic: So that the serial acid splasher will not attack you from the back. Besides that by walking against the traffic you will have a better chance of avoiding anyone who looks suspicious to you.

Avoid walking by the side of the road: If possible don't walk at the side of the road at all if it is unnecessary. You will be exposed and make yourself easy target for this serial acid splasher. Walk near the building where there are crowded people.

Always bring along an umbrella: This might sound crazy...but I suggest that you bring along a huge umbrella with you. So whenever you see someone suspicious approaching you, immediately open that umbrella to shield yourself from any possible attack. Yes! Just open it even though it is not raining. Best of all use the umbrella all the time. Moreover your umbrella can be a potent weapon for you to defend yourself in dangerous situations.

Inform the police of any suspicious motorcyclist: Banking on our lazy and inefficient Malaysian police alone is not enough. So the moment you see anyone riding a bike with dark complexion and looks suspicious...immediately take down the number plate and inform the police to come over as soon as possible. Who knows? Your information might lead to the nabbing of this serial acid splasher!

Put on more clothes: I know the weather is scorching hot right now. But putting on an extra jacket or vest might buy you some time to escape the devastating acid if *touch wood* you are being splashed!

Don't go out at all: No matter where you go, try not to all. If possible don't even go out if you don't have any transport, preferably car. It doesn't matter if the sundry shop is only 50 metres away from your don't want to risk being splashed with acid right? So ask your parents, husband or other family members to ferry you around if you can.

Use as much water as possible: Water is the best remedy to counter the corrosive acid. The moment someone is being splashed with acid (either it is you or other victims), pour as much water as possible onto the affected body parts especially the eyes. Keep on pouring a large amount of water to dilute the acid. Keep on doing this until the acid has been diluted and washed away. So I suggest all of us to bring a water bottle all the time.

We don't want this happen to our beloved ones right? :(

I really, really hope there will be no other innocent people being splashed with this corrosive liquid again. I am sure our police force will do justice to the lives that have been affected by this serial acid splasher in KL! If you happen to meet this heartless, cowardly serial acid splasher in his act, don't hesitate to alert the police or nab him. Remember if we don't do anything, this could happen to our beloved ones. We must track him down and kill him! Ok...sounds like I am a savage but I am sure you get what I mean! We Malaysians must work hand-in-hand to bring down this serial acid splasher in KL. He is an animal!

note:this is copy and paste material, credit to those posted this ( spread it for the sake of humanity.

Renung sejenak...

Takziah pada keluarga mangsa kejadian tanah runtuh di hulu langant yang membabitkan rumah anak-anak yatim dan anak-anak hidayah Madrasah At-taqwa....Semoga roh mereka yg terkorban ditempatkan di sisi-Nya bersama para Sollihin..aminnn...

Mungkin ade hikmahnye berlaku nye kejadian ni,
semoga ia menjadi renungan dan peringatn buat kita semua,
yg hidup pasti akan mati,
itu sesuatu yg pasti,
cume ketika dan waktu nye saje yg kite xtau...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pada-Mu ku bersujud...

Ku menatap dalam kelam
tiada yang bisa ku lihat
selain hanya nama-Mu Ya Allah

Esok ataukah nanti
ampuni semua salahku
lindungi aku dari segala fitnah

Kau tempatku meminta
Kau beriku bahagia
jadikan aku selamanya
hamba-Mu yang slalu bertakwa
ampuniku Ya Allah
yang sering melupakan-Mu
saat Kau limpahkan karunia-Mu
dalam sunyi aku bersujud

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Short But Full..

In the midst of sorting things out...Pray for me...
This is something i cannot share here,
 So, i hope everything is going well n smooth...

Monday, May 16, 2011

For all teachers...

Happy teacher's day to all teachers,
to my father, my former teachers, my lecturers,my friends especially Huda..
Thanks for all the sacrifice...
teaching me every single things,
about life, about study, the whole thing about being a human...
hingga aku kenal dunia,
atas bawah, kiri kanan...
kenal rasa gembira, kenal rase sedih, kenal rasa takut,
kenal segala jenis rase yg ade,
Yang penting kenal Tuhan,
tp lumrah manusia, mudah lupa,
mudah alpa,mudah lalai...
spt juga aku,
whatever in front, no matter what, we have to overcome,
dan teruskan berjalan,
there's no turning back...
cume sama ada kite kuat atau x utk teruskan hidup,
Jadi, bile kita buat salah, jgn salahkan sesiapa,
just blame urself..that's my personal opinion,
kite salah krn xbijak membuat pilihan,
Segala yg baik dtg nye dr Tuhan,
segala yg buruk juga dr Tuhan,
cume terpulang kepada kite utk memilih,
Buruk yg kite pilih, itulah yg kite dapat...
Di anugerahkan akal, tp masih pincang membuat keputusan dan pilihan...
(i am reminding myself as well)

 I'm blaming myself...I'm sorry to all, i'm in the process of memperbaiki diri.Allah, please grant your blessing,

Give me some space and time...

Everything seems to be so tough for me lately,
i feel i cannot bear,
i hope it would be easy to deal with,
and easy to go through,
i am not that strong and brave,
i hope everyone would understand,
even would let it pass,
would u?

i hope i could overcome this,
i knew i cannot satisfy everyone,
i cannot even satisfy myself,
because the worst enemy is inside me,
which is hard for me to deal with,
hard for me to bare,
i am not sure about it consequences,
but sooner or later, i would know,
and i do not think i am ready,
cos i still do not know what should i do now,
Help me Allah!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Plan the unplanned...

Aku takut aku demam je ni,
sbb aku klu da start demam mmg lame,
berminggu2...sbb jarang jatuh sakit
lagi satu takut low blood pressure,sbb dah penah jadi,
rase lemah n rase nak pengsan je...

Hari ni aku akan minimize kan penggunaan pc,
xnak berpinar2 bijik mate....
tp update blog x berpinar lak mate ko!
diskriminasi sungguh...hahahaha..
Bukan ape, klu wat clearing tu kecik bebenor tulisan nye...
bnyk plak tu...beratur2 mcm semut...

Smalam Awas(read:a name) ajak g tengok movie,tp xlarat so i'd decline...
tp xtau lg rini,
klu ok boleh la join kot,
tp die xreply la plak...
lgpon hari ni rabu,murah sket ticket wayang kan?hehehehe...

Jumaat ni, ade department event,
lebih berbentuk entertainment,
this is the first time since tsunami hari tu,
mase tsunami melanda jepun hari tu,
segala xtvt berbentuk entertainment di bekukan,
No concert, no orchestra,no karaoke...
kira tempoh berkabung da tamat la kot...
so they continue with the plan to karaoke this friday, after work...
venue not yet decide...and aku pon xdecide lg nak g ke x..
kang dorang tergolek dok mabuk kang,ape jadah plak aku nak wat...


Aku yang hilang~

Semalam waktu kerja yg pendek bg aku,
sbb aku half day ptg smalam...
sakit sgt kepala sbb mkn banyak sgt MSG agaknye...
skang ni sume makanan pon nak letak msg,
termasuk la nasik ayam,
pasni kenela hati2...
plus skang ni cuaca panas gile..
sgt panas sampaikan bl ko duduk pon ko boleh berpeluh sakan,
nasib baik kat opis ni ade aircond,
tp bile kuar panas semula,
pemanasan global harus di pandang serius oleh semua pihak...
muka pon da start berbelang,
lg satu yg wat pening kepala tu sbb kejap sejuk kejap panas mcm ni la,
pandang pc pon kejap kecik kejap besar,
xboleh tahan sgt tu yg mintak half day tu....
serius xlarat...
aku inat kan bl aku da ckap kat bos aku balik,
aku ingat die inform sume,
tp die sibuk berborak plak,
so staff2 kat tempat aku ni,ingatkan aku hilang,
ingat aku jatuh lam jamban la,
mcm2 tekaan,padahal tengah sedap membuta kat umah,
menggagau la cari kat toilet bagai....
hilang kat mane plak kan siang2 hari kat opis ni....
pastu sorang akak ni kol aku, aku ckp la kat umah,membuta...
tp pg ni xhilang lg sakit kepala...redha je la..

note:-skang ni takut la nak kuar,org simbah2 asid ni...hati2 tau sayang2 sume....
        -aku da tengok fast five...i;ll describe in 5  words...BEST,GAGAH,MACHO,PANTAS,COOL, ade 6 plak
        -Hari ni nak tengok cite ape plak?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Random and rambling 2

Zaman2 gelap da berlalu,
semalam da abis closing,
tp keje yg may punye da menanti dalam in-tray tu...
smalam punye cite.. menyanyi nak post entry,
lembab bergulung2 loading nye....stress gua...

Pagi tadi abg2 polis kenyang2 belaka,
Sbb ade aweks duduk mengangkang di tepi traffic lite sehingga menampakkan celahan bontot beliau yg berkarat.....
abg2 polis pon berbisik sesame sendiri...
agaknye ape yg dibisik kan?
berbentuk kritikan atau pujian?mungkin juga komentar2 berguna utk si cewek...
atau mungkin abg2 polis berharap supaye celahan itu lebih luas kelihatan....
tiadelah mereka keboringan berdiri berlama-lamaan di celah2 manusia yg ramai..
mungkin lebih lame lebih bgs gamaknya...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday's triple celebration...3x sayang,3x kinder bueno

Selamat hari bu kepade mak2 sekalian...
bkn tuk mak aku je,kepada mak2 y lain2 jugak..kpd kawan2 aku yg da jadi mak skali,
tuk yg bakal menjadi mak pon terime tempias nye...

Hari ni ari ahad bersamman hari ibu,
kitorang adik beradik ade plan baik punye....
cam g nak turun kl,
kire cam gathering la kan plus nak anta aku g airport...( -_' )
aku dah suh abg aku beli kek siap2 ni,
sekali hentak punye celebration..
kire 2 plus 1...
celebrate anniversary mak abah, hari ibu n hari bapa skali...
hari bapa tuk kira celebrate in advance, yg anniversary tu belated celebration....
sbb bkn slalu leh jumpe sesume camni,
maklumla sorang kat jepun...wakakakakaka...(^_^)

nak kumpul reramai mmg payah plus abg ak dah kawen,
so, workload bertambah...
aku pon da keje dan dewasa..hahaha...
duduk di rumah mampu memanaskan bontot...

ok lah, nak siap2 ni, mau pack barang2....
selamat hari2 semuuanyeee...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Quote Of the Week

Aku xnak ulas panjang2.
memang selame ni aku xpenah ulas pun...
aku tempelkan gambar je la...
Pic ni aku amek mase dinner kat look out point Ampang,
di Panorama Restaurant...
T aku wat special post about this restaurant...

Note:Semoga rase termotivate la dgn quote ni(^_^)

Random & Rambling 1

Skang ni memanjang tukar layout..
selagi xpuas hati selagi tu la mensesumpah je kejenye..
yg biru ni pon xberjaya memuaskan hati..
sementara je ni...
Plan nak tukar lagi smpi boleh stick kat satu je selama bertahun2 lame nye...(^_^)
menukar layout ni da mcm jadi acara harian la plak...
header pon cam tah pape...
(kutuk diri sendiri)

Rabu ari tu tengok  showdown x?
Aku suke gile dgn idea HMC Phlow tu...
Giler ah...
Sharp sungguh movement2 mereka...
serius aku cakap...
yg breakers2 lain tu xbape nak pandang sgt,
tp yg ni, menakjubkan okkkk...
maybe sbb dorang masuk final last year tp kalah dgn wakaka crew...
(wakaka crew yang ade Alam So U think U can Dance tewwww)

Skang ni tengah bz closing for April,
tp balik tetap kul 5.30,
tngu la minggu depan, mesti menggagau...
Smalam bos aku baru balik dr Singapore, business trip,
Smpai je airport terus dtg opis...
Klu aku, balik tido kot...
(sbb tu aku xjadi bos)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lain pucuk di cita, lain ulam yg datang...

Hari ni awal kuar opis,
xde motif,mmg saje je nak dtg awal,
eh,sebenar nye nak buang sampah tu yg kuar awal,
dah ade bende berterbangan kat sampah tu,xlarat nak tengok...

B4 kuar umah, siap2 bawah susu n cereal,
dengan niat mahu bersarapan di opis,
tp aku mmg xboleh tengok makanan lain,
tergugat rase nye nafsu makan,
singgah di gerai membeli nasi lemak,
gamaknye, esok je la aku mkn cereal...